Thursday, December 13, 2007

hello mei nu men(s)!! XD
Houyee here heh, prove tht i dont have stm!!
ahem.. well just wna say
matches fr 2007' has ended (:
unhappy stuffs.. just frget abt it? (:
next year, 2008' lets strive back XD
prove t Coach eh! (:

Xueli, Michelle is leavg ):
but, thy're alw our beloved snrs!! XD..
black & white ^^

Amelia, dont worry (:
youre part of our team!! XD
dont sad, alright (:
can ask us out! & dont worry..
youre alw our teammate! (:

Coach said some touching words ytd ):
nearly cry, but i didnt
Xueli's words, make Coach touched too! XD
can see Coach's rlly happy.. (:
& been so long since i saw him smiled!
we rlly treasure this team & Coach yea? (:

alright, trng gna start soon, so yea girls..
lets Jiayou! (:
dont frget our moto

lets get into Nz top4 next year!
we can do it, we can do it (:
cherish you girls alot! XD

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